
Capturas de pantalla del iPhone

Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla

Capturas de pantalla del iPad

Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla


Download our app for award-winning journalism and breaking news stories from the UK and around the world. We take you to the heart of the stories that shape our world, offering live events, eyewitness reports, expert analysis and opinion.
Key Features:
• Breaking news notifications - be the first to find out about major developing stories
• Watch Sky News in the Live Tab (when you've got connection)
• Easy navigation to see headlines on multiple topics from politics to entertainment
• Read articles while you're offline
• Dark mode - change your preferences any time from the settings cog
Stay up to date with what's happening around the world from a range of topics:
• Top Stories - the latest headlines, breaking news, live stories & video
• Podcasts - listen to our radio shows including Daily, All Out Politics, Behind the Headline, Sophy Ridge on Sunday and Backstage
• Opinion – read Sky Views from our specialists and first person pieces from those at the heart of a story
• UK - headlines from across the United Kingdom
• World - significant events from around the world
• Politics - latest developments in Westminster, including Brexit and elections
• US - headlines from the United States
• Ocean Rescue - learn about how the world is tackling plastics in our ocean
• Sport - stories spanning football, cricket, tennis, F1, rugby, athletics, boxing, horse racing and more
• Science & Technology – latest developments in tech changing our world
• Business – headlines from The City, and economic stories affecting consumers
• Ents & Arts - art, showbiz and entertainment stories from around the world
• Offbeat - the strange and bizarre
Please note: Watching video may incur additional mobile network and/or WiFi charges.

Lo nuevo en la versión 4.23

We have made improvements to our podcasts feature, they're now easier to find with a new label and they will now continue to play even when you're not in the app. We listened to your feedback on the loading screen taking too long and amended our animation. We have also made bug fixes and stability improvements.



Sky UK Limited







51,1 MB

Game Center


VPP Device Licensing


Clasificación 12+ por:
Violencia realista poco frecuente/moderada
Consumo de alcohol, tabaco o drogas, o referencias al mismo poco frecuentes/moderados
Temas para adultos/provocativos poco frecuentes/moderados


iOS 12.0 o posterior


iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone XR, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone SE (2.ª generación), iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 mini, iPad (5.ª generación) Wi-Fi, iPad (5.ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad (6.ª generación) Wi-Fi, iPad (6.ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro, iPad Pro (Cellular), iPad Pro (9,7 pulgadas), iPad Pro (9,7 pulgadas) (Cellular), iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas (2.ª generación), iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas (2.ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro (10,5 pulgadas), iPad Pro (10,5 pulgadas) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro (11 pulgadas), iPad Pro (11 pulgadas) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas (3.ª generación), iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas (3.ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Air, iPad Air (Cellular), iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 (Cellular), iPad Air (tercera generación), iPad Air (tercera generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini Retina, iPad mini Retina (Cellular), iPad mini 3, iPad mini 3 (Cellular), iPad mini 4, iPad mini 4 (Cellular), iPad mini (5.ª generación), iPad mini (5.ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad (7ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro de 11 pulgadas (2.ª generación), iPad Pro de 11 pulgadas (2.ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas (4.ª generación), iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas (4.ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Air (4th Generation) (Wi-Fi), iPad Air (4th Generation) (Wi-Fi + Cellular), iPad (8.ª generación) Wi-Fi, iPad (8.ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro de 11 pulgadas (3.ª generación), iPad Pro de 11 pulgadas (3.ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas (5.ª generación), iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas (5.ª generación) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPod touch (sexta generación), iPod touch (7ª generación)



App Store: Valoraciones de clientes

Todas las versiones

 4,5 (741 valoraciones)

App Store: Reseñas de clientes

Up to date

Versión 4.20
It is regularly updated and is my No1 for news.

Sky News

Versión 4.20
A very important and excellent app.

Sky sports app

Versión 4.19.1
Sky sports app not available in Spain? Why? I live in Mallorca. Must be some error. How can I get it? “Currently not available in your country or region” it says. F***in cmoon!

Sky News is my go too for breaking stories

Infamous Academy
Versión 4.19.1
Finger on the pulse !


Versión 4.19
Rubbish, doesn’t report the news. Pushes its own agenda.


Versión 4.19
I have this app on my iPad and although there are ads, they aren’t in between the articles make for difficult reading.


Versión 4.18
Currently there is only one news story in the world. Coronavirus. The wars in Syria, Libya and Yemen have ceased, all the refugees have left Cox’s Bazaar and returned to their homes where they now live in peace and harmony under the rule of a benign Myanmar government. It is clearly much more important to know that the queen rode a horse in public today and that Dominic Cummings is still only “alleged” to have done something wrong about 3 weeks after he didn’t do anything wrong. Shall I go on?

Sky news

ex pat in Asturias
Versión 4.10
I live abroad(Spain) and really appreciate the speed with which I am kept up to date with ALL news from around the world and at home.

Sky news

Versión 4.10
First thing l look at with my coffee every morning in Spain, great

Anytime, Any Place, Anywhere.

Versión 4.8
Thank you! I absolutely love the fact that I can keep up with the world news with the touch of my fingertips and my iPhone. It’s amazing! It’s changed my life. I love to be in touch with current affairs and world issues, so sky news has done that for me.
Well done Sky!
Barbara Mary Paterson.

Totally biased

Versión 4.7.2
This channel is losing its objectivity. News channels aim is to inform people accurately and let them think freely. Instead of telling a biased story so they think the way they want them to think. Ie: Cataluña stories. #manipulation

Keep updated

Versión 4.6
This app is great, anything sudden or important, the app will play tense music... You don't miss a thing


Cole Connors
Versión 4.6
Love Sky News!

Tv live doesn't work

Versión 4.2.1
The app does't load tv live